Welcome to openapc.github.io!

In June 2014, universities and research institutions in Germany have started to explore how reporting on fee-based Open Access publishing can be made more transparent and reproducible across institutions. For the purpose of interoperation with international activities and projects, the initial repository on fees paid by German Universities and Research Institutions has now been moved to https://github.com/OpenAPC/

At the moment, the datasets collects information from ten institutions that share information on 1.599 articles, with total expenditure of 1.938.505 EURO (including VAT).

Future planning

Beyond sharing our datasets on author fess paid, with this GitHub organisation we intend to

  • inform about new developments, datasets and members
  • share documentations and manuals, which will be translated from German into English
  • provide exploratory analyses and tools
  • offer an opportunity for other countries to report on fee-based Open Access publishing