GFZ Potsdam joins OpenAPC!

The Library Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein has joined and is sharing its expenditures for Open Access publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Contact person is Roland Bertelmann, Head of Library and Information Services LIS.

Cost data

The data set covers publication fees for 60 articles paid in 2013 and 2014. Total expenditure was 69 625€ and the average fee paid 1 160€.

The following table shows the payments made to publishers (including taxes)

  Articles Fees paid in EURO Mean Fee paid
Copernicus GmbH 36 36717 1020
MDPI AG 15 16004 1067
Nature Publishing Group 4 8915 2229
Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2 2372 1186
Frontiers Media SA 2 3427 1714
Elsevier BV 1 2190 2190

Fees paid per publisher

plot of chunk tree_gfz

Average costs per year

plot of chunk box_gfz_year

Average costs per publisher

plot of chunk box_gfz_publisher