Ruhr Universität Bochum joins OpenAPC!

The Ruhr Universität Bochum has joined and is sharing its expenditures for publications in Open Access journals. The University Library is in charge of the Open Access Publication Funds of the university, which has been receiving support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under its Open-Access Publishing Programme since 2014.

Contact person is Kathrin Lucht-Roussel

Cost data

The data set covers publication fees for 25 Open Access journal articles paid in 2014. Total expenditure was 27 689€ and the average fee paid 1 108€.

Fees paid per publisher (in €)

plot of chunk tree_rub

Average costs per year (in €)

plot of chunk box_rub_year

Average costs per publisher (in €)

plot of chunk box_rub_publisher