TU Chemnitz releases its 2015 expenditure

Technische Universität Chemnitz has contributed its cost information for 2015. Chemnitz University Library is in charge of the University’s Open Access Publishing Fund, which is supported under the DFG’s Open Access Publishing Programme.

Contact person is Ute Blumtritt ute.blumtritt@bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de

About the dataset

The present dataset contains information on publication fees paid in 2014 and 2015.

Cost Data

The data set covers publication fees for 36 Open Access journal articles. Total expenditure is 37 826€ and the average fee paid 1 051€.

Fees paid per publisher (in €)

plot of chunk tree_tuchemnitz15

Average costs per year (in €)

plot of chunk box_tuchemnitz15_year

Average costs per publisher (in €)

plot of chunk box_tuchemnitz15_publisher