Bielefeld University updates its 2015 APC expenditures

Same day, another contribution: Bielefeld University has also provided its APC expenditures for the 2015 period.

Bielefeld University Library is in charge of Bielefeld University’s Open Access Publishing Fund, which is supported by the DFG under its Open-Access Publishing Programme.

Contact person is Dirk Pieper.

Cost Data

The new dataset covers publication fees for 103 articles, which the fund covered in 2015 so far. Total expenditure amounts to 135 518€ and the average fee is 1 316€.

The following table shows the payments Bielefeld University Library has made to publishers in 2015.

  Articles Fees paid in EURO Mean Fee paid
Springer Science + Business Media 38 52919 1393
Frontiers Media SA 25 30529 1221
Public Library of Science (PLoS) 19 25694 1352
MDPI AG 5 5581 1116
Nature Publishing Group 4 5544 1386
Wiley-Blackwell 3 3747 1249
Scientific Research Publishing, Inc, 2 2640 1320
Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2 3368 1684
IOP Publishing 1 1392 1392
Co-Action Publishing 1 1630 1630
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 1 583 583
American Society for Microbiology 1 446 446
AIP Publishing 1 1445 1445


With the recent contributions included, the overall APC data for Bielefeld University now looks as follows:

Fees paid per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk tree_bielefeld-2016-02-11

Average costs per year (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_bielefeld_year-2016-02-11

Average costs per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_bielefeld_publisher-2016-02-11