GFZ Potsdam updates its 2015 APC expenditures

The Library Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein has updated GFZ’s APC expenditures for the 2015 period.

Contact person is Roland Bertelmann, Head of Library and Information Services LIS.

Cost Data

The new dataset covers publication fees for 46 articles. Total expenditure amounts to 56 895€ and the average fee is 1 237€.

The following table shows the payments the Library Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein has made to publishers in 2015.

  Articles Fees paid in EURO Mean Fee paid
Copernicus GmbH 21 19173 913
Springer Science + Business Media 9 7806 867
MDPI AG 8 9378 1172
Elsevier BV 3 9152 3051
Schweizerbart 2 3054 1527
Frontiers Media SA 2 3927 1964
Nature Publishing Group 1 4403 4403


With the recent contribution included, the overall APC data for the GFZ Potsdam now looks as follows:

Fees paid per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk tree_gfz_potsdam_2016-02-23

Average costs per year (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_gfz_potsdam_year-2016-02-23

Average costs per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_gfz_potsdam_publisher-2016-02-23