Forschungszentrum Jülich updates its 2015 APC expenditures

The Central Library(ZB) of Forschungszentrum Jülich has provided additional APC expenditures for the 2015 period.

Contact person is Nadja Kalinna.

Cost Data

The new contribution provides additional APC data for the 2015 period, which now includes 87 articles. Total expenditure for 2015 amounts to 116 248€ and the average fee is 1 336€.

The following table shows the payments the FZJ Central Library(ZB) has made to publishers in 2015.

  Articles Fees paid in EURO Mean Fee paid
Copernicus GmbH 21 22103 1053
Public Library of Science (PLoS) 18 24334 1352
Nature Publishing Group 13 25399 1954
Frontiers Media SA 11 15051 1368
MDPI AG 6 5343 890
Wiley-Blackwell 4 7206 1802
Elsevier BV 3 2393 798
Co-Action Publishing 3 3825 1275
IOP Publishing 2 2520 1260
Springer Science + Business Media 1 1264 1264
Scientific Research Publishing, Inc, 1 915 915
Optical Society of America (OSA) 1 1630 1630
Informa UK Limited 1 1260 1260
Hindawi Publishing Corporation 1 1744 1744
AIP Publishing 1 1261 1261


With the recent contribution included, the overall APC data for the FZJ now looks as follows:

Fees paid per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk tree_fzj_zb_2016-03-01

Average costs per year (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_fzj_zb_year-2016-03-01

Average costs per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_fzj_zb_publisher-2016-03-01