We welcome the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf as new contributing institution! The library of the HZDR has released two initial APC datasets for the 2014 and 2015 periods.
Contact person is Edith Reschke.
Cost Data
The datasets covers publication fees for 52 articles. Total expenditure amounts to 60 183€ and the average fee is 1 157€.
The following table shows the payments the library of the HZDR has made to publishers in 2014 and 2015 (including taxes and discounts).
Articles | Fees paid in EURO | Mean Fee paid | |
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 19 | 10800 | 568 |
Springer Nature | 8 | 17445 | 2181 |
IOP Publishing | 6 | 7050 | 1175 |
MDPI AG | 5 | 4659 | 932 |
Public Library of Science (PLoS) | 3 | 2948 | 983 |
Elsevier BV | 2 | 6221 | 3111 |
Frontiers Media SA | 2 | 2829 | 1414 |
Nature Publishing Group | 2 | 1721 | 860 |
Springer Science + Business Media | 2 | 2418 | 1209 |
AIP Publishing | 1 | 1241 | 1241 |
Optical Society of America (OSA) | 1 | 855 | 855 |
Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | 1995 | 1995 |