HU Berlin reports 2018 to 2021 BPC expenditures

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has provided BPC expenditures for the 2018 to 2021 period.

The University Library of HU Berlin is in charge of the University’s Publication Fund for Monographs, which supports full or partial funding of OA Book publishing.

Institutional contact for the data set is the HU Library Open Access Team.

Cost data

The new data set covers publication fees for 36 books. Total expenditure amounts to 207 860€ and the average fee is 5 774€.

The following tables and plots provide an overview of the payments made to book publishers from 2018 to 2021 for the publication of open access books that were funded or partly funded by the University Library of HU Berlin.

  Articles Fees paid in EURO Mean Fee paid
transcript Verlag 7 39753 5679
De Gruyter 4 24938 6235
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3 16124 5375
Waxmann Verlag 3 11929 3976
Peter Lang 2 14447 7223
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2 10382 5191
Verlag Barbara Budrich 2 6500 3250
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2 3907 1953
Arc Humanities Press 1 6232 6232
Beltz 1 2927 2927
Bock + Herchen 1 3570 3570
Cambridge University Press 1 7351 7351
Campus Verlag 1 7136 7136
Edition Open Access 1 21104 21104
Königshausen & Neumann 1 1450 1450
Leuven University Press 1 9036 9036
Logos Verlag Berlin 1 774 774
Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1 5220 5220
Springer International Publishing 1 15080 15080

Fees paid per publisher (in EURO)

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Average costs per year (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_huberlin_2020_07_12_bpc_year_full

Average costs per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_huberlin_2020_07_12_bpc_publisher_full