KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt joins OpenAPC

We welcome the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as new contributing institution!

The University Library Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is in charge of the University’s Open Access Publishing Fund, which received support under the DFG’s Open Access Publishing Programme in 2020 and 2021.

Contact persons is Carola Bauch-Schuster.

Cost data

The initial data set provided by the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt covers publication fees for 55 journal articles, total expenditure amounts to 108,437€ and the average fee is 1,972€. The contribution also contained BPC data for one OA monograph which is not listed here.

The following table and plots provide an overview of the contributed article cost data.

  Articles Fees paid in EURO Mean Fee paid
MDPI AG 18 36126 2007
Springer Nature 9 19119 2124
Frontiers Media SA 6 17186 2864
Informa UK Limited 6 9342 1557
Elsevier BV 4 9948 2487
Copernicus GmbH 2 4869 2435
Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2 1706 853
Akademiai Kiado Zrt. 1 850 850
Berlin Regener Publishing House 1 357 357
JMIR Publications Inc. 1 2732 2732
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) 1 533 533
Public Library of Science (PLoS) 1 1686 1686
SAGE Publications 1 330 330
Schweizerbart 1 2641 2641
University of Bern 1 1009 1009

Fees paid per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk tree_kuei_2022_05_31_full

Average costs per year (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_kuei_2022_05_31_year_full

Average costs per publisher (in EURO)

plot of chunk box_kuei_2022_05_31_publisher_full