The National Library of Sweden provides APC data for 2 institutions
The National Library of Sweden collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in Sweden.
The National Library of Sweden collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in Sweden.
We welcome the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as new contributing institution!
The National Library of Sweden collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in Sweden.
The Technische Universität Berlin has updated its APC expenditures, the latest contribution provides more articles for the 2021 period.
Tampere University has updated its APC expenditures, the recent contribution provides data for the 2021 period.
The National Library of Sweden collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in Sweden.
The University of Rostock has updated its APC expenditures, the latest contribution provides data for the 2020 and 2021 period.
The VSB - Technical University of Ostrava has updated its APC expenditures, the latest contribution provides data for the 2021 period.
The Couperin consortium collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in France.
The National Library of Sweden collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in Sweden.