New APC data harvested from Bielefeld University
New APC data has been harvested from the institutional repository of Bielefeld University, which had shifted to APC data provision via OAI-PMH.
New APC data has been harvested from the institutional repository of Bielefeld University, which had shifted to APC data provision via OAI-PMH.
The University of Rhode Island (URI) has updated its APC expenditures, the recent contribution provides cost data on APCs paid in 2020.
The Couperin consortium collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in France.
The Goethe University Frankfurt has updated its APC expenditures, providing data for the 2020 period.
The Central Library(ZB) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich has provided its institutional APC expenditures for the 2019 period.
OpenAPC welcomes two new institutions from Switzerland: The University of Lucerne and the University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PHLU - Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern)!
The FWF (Austrian Science fund) has updated its data on both APC and BPC expenditures.
Ulm University has updated its APC expenditures, the latest contribution provides data for the 2019 and 2020 periods.
The University of Milan has reported its APC expenditures for the 2019 period.
We welcome the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld as new contributing institution!