Jisc collections data for 2018 ingested
Jisc Collections has been gathering and releasing data on APC payments made by UK higher education institutions (HEIs).
Jisc Collections has been gathering and releasing data on APC payments made by UK higher education institutions (HEIs).
The Technische Hochschule Wildau has updated its APC expenditures, the latest contribution provides data for the 2019 period.
We welcome Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) as new contributing institution!
We welcome Charles University as new contributing institution!
We welcome Tampere University as new contributing institution!
The Technische Universität Darmstadt has updated its APC expenditures.
In 2014 the Wellcome Trust started to make APC expenditures of the COAF publicly available. The most recent data set has now been processed and added to OpenAPC’s data collection.
The Couperin consortium collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in France.
The University of Turku has updated its APC expenditures, the latest contribution provides cost data on APCs paid between May and August 2019.
We welcome the University of Belgrade as new contributing institution and as our first participant from Serbia!